The text does not say that Bathsheba realized she was being brought to the palace for sex with the king. Remember, the only person who refuses to follow David’s directives in this story, Uriah, is killed (2 Sam. (See Esther 2:14, 3:12, and 8:9 for example.) And David sends not one, but several messengers, to ensure Bathsheba’s compliance (2 Sam. People who think that she agreed to come to the palace willingly do not understand that when an ancient ruler summoned a subject to the palace, the subject had no choice but to comply. There is no reason to assume that Bathsheba was naked, or that she was aware that the king, who should have been with his army, would have been watching from his rooftop like a peeping Tom (2 Sam. People who think Bathsheba seduced David by bathing outside his window may not realize the Hebrew verb rachats, used for Bathsheba’s action here (2 Samuel 11:2), literally means “wash” which is how it is translated elsewhere in this narrative (2 Sam. Neither the text nor the context supports the conclusion that it was an affair between two consenting adults. However, as we examine the details, we see that it is actually sexual abuse of power, in other words, rape. Over the course of history, this encounter between David and Bathsheba has often been described as adultery, which implies mutual consent. After David orchestrates Uriah’s death in battle, he assumes the disaster has been averted.

In an attempt to cover up the pregnancy, David recalls Bathsheba’s husband Uriah from the siege of Rabbah, but Uriah has too much integrity to sleep with his wife while the rest of the army and the ark are camping in tents. He sends his men to take her back to the palace, he has sex with her, and she conceives. From his rooftop, David notices his attractive neighbor, Bathsheba, washing. These names are from the USA, but the problem is worldwide. Kelly), and religion (Bill Hybels, Andy Savage, Paige Patterson). In recent years a wave of sexual abuse stories spawned a #metoo movement that toppled titans from the realms of entertainment (Harvey Weinstein, Bill O’Reilly, Charlie Rose), politics (Al Franken, Patrick Meehan, John Conyers), business (Steve Wynn, Travis Kalanick), sports (Larry Nassar), music (R. The story is ancient, but the issue remains as timely as ever. The abuse of Bathsheba seems the most shocking of all because it comes at the hands of none other than Jesus’ most famous ancestor, King David. People in power have been covering up instances of sexual abuse for millennia, but the Bible boldly exposes examples of abuse against Sarah, Hagar, Dinah, two Tamars, and Bathsheba, the subject of this passage.